الأحد، 23 فبراير 2025 03:47 م
رئيس مجلس الإدارة رئيس التحرير
بدور ابراهيم

Egypt and Sustainable Development

الجمعة، 04 نوفمبر 2022 06:12 م

Only the ١٧th objective of “Partnerships for the Goals” witnessed a decline

Egypt got ٩٨.٨ points out of ١٠٠ in the Global Sustainable Development Report ٢٠٢٢

Egypt achieved four of the sustainable development goals, while moderately improving by nine goals and stagnating in three others

There is a frantic race among all countries of the world to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Accordingly, it is the responsibility of every single country to achieve the SDGs goals as per its own vision which all aim, in general, at creating a balance between social, economic, and environmental sustainability. It also aims to determine the stream of global and national policies concerned with development, alongside providing new options and opportunities to bridge the gap between human rights and development.

Egypt got 68.66 points to be ranked 87 th out of 163 countries and the 4th in Africa

“Osoul Misr” reviews the evolution of Egypt’s performance in achieving Sustainable Development Goals until the current year, according to the sustainable development report; being the indicator for following up with the implementation and development of the agenda, as the only United Nations official report that monitors global progress on the ٢٠٣٠ Agenda for Sustainable Development.

When thoroughly considering Egypt’s sustainable development status and the impact of global crises on moving forward in achieving the Egyptian goals, it has been acknowledged that after setting Egypt’s Vision ٢٠٣٠ in February ٢٠١٦, the value of the sustainable development report has taken an upward direction since the same year. According to the latest sustainable development report, the Egyptian government is ranked as one of the governments with medium commitment and effort to achieve sustainable development goals.

Egypt has ranked ٨٧th among ١٦٣ countries globally, with an index of ٦٨.٦٦ points, ahead of some countries such as Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and India. The value of its index was ahead by ٠.١ points from its counterpart compared to the previous year, where it recorded an index value estimated at ٦٨.٦ points. It ranked ٨٢nd among ١٦٥ countries achieving meritorious progress, while global indicators declined for most countries, as the regional average decreased from ٦٧.١ in ٢٠٢١ to ٦٦.٧ in ٢٠٢٢.

During ٢٠٢٢, Egypt’s performance at the Arab level came in the ٧th rank out of the ٢٠ Arab countries according to the report. At the African level, it ranked ٤ out of ٤٧ among African countries and ٧th in the Middle East and North Africa region among ١٦ others in the same region. The report revealed that Egypt ranked ١٥th out of ٢٠ countries at the level of emerging markets in ٢٠٢٢.

Therefore, according to the latest sustainable development report, the Egyptian government is classified as being of medium commitment to achieving sustainable development goals.

In general, Egypt was on the right track and maintained the achievement of ٤ sustainable development goals, such as Goal ٦: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all, Goal ١٠ which calls for reducing inequalities in income, Goal ١٢: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, and Goal ١٣: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

It has managed to improve moderately nine others; such as Goal ٢: Which seeks sustainable solutions to end hunger in all its forms by ٢٠٣٠ and to achieve food security, Goal ٣ which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages, Goal ٥ which aims ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Goal ٥ which calls for gender equality and empower all women and girls, Goal ٨ which aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal ٩ for Industry, innovation and infrastructure, Goal ١١ for Sustainable cities and communities, Goal ١٥ for Life on land, Goal ١٦ for peace, justice, and strong institutions. There was a state of inactivity in achieving three of the SDGs, such as Goal ١ which calls for an end to poverty in all its manifestations, Goal ٧ which calls for ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, and Goal ١٤ for life below water.

Only Goal ١٧: Partnerships for the Goals witnessed a decline.

In the following table, each goal will be referred to separately, its main sub-indicators will be discussed, along with the most important achievements and challenges that hinder each of the sustainable development goals.