Chairman and Chief Editor
Bedour Ibrahim

The Israeli leader has canceled a planned visit to Prague on Monday

State of War Alert Declared by Israel After Rockets Barrage

Saturday 07/October/2023 - 03:19 PM
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Israel “at war” after Gaza Strip militants fired over 2،000 missiles and infiltrated southern parts of the country، killing an estimated 22 Israelis، in a surprise attack early Saturday. 

“The enemy will pay a price that he has not seen before. We are at war and we will win it،” Netanyahu said in a video address. 

Hundreds more were injured and defense forces were unable to immediately access some communities overrun by Hamas. Israel said it was reinforcing “all arenas” with an extensive mobilization of reserves for what’s been dubbed “Operation Swords of Iron.” Israel has sent a dozen or more warplanes to strike back within the strip. 

The start of a major operation

Hamas، which rules Gaza and is classified as a terrorist organization by the US، said the incursion was the start of a major operation. Gunfights broke out between Israeli troops and Gaza infiltrators، some of whom arrived on motorcycles and para-gliders. 

The Israeli leader has canceled a planned visit to Prague on Monday. Czech President Petr Pavel called Saturday’s Hamas attacks a “deplorable terrorist act” that will “block any efforts for a peaceful solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a long time.”  

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has spoken to his Israeli counterpart Tzachi Hanegbi، said National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson. 

The US “unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians،” Watson said. “There is never any justification for terrorism.”  

A message against normalizing ties with Israel

The Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah called the Hamas operation a message to Arab countries against normalizing ties with Israel. Armed resistance was the only way to confront Israeli “aggression،” Hezbollah said in a statement reported by the Times of Israel.  

Hezbollah said it was in direct contact with Hamas leadership in Gaza and beyond. 

Dozens of Israeli fighter jets struck 17 military compounds and four operational command centers belonging to Hamas in the past few hours، Israel’s defense forces said.  

The oil market is wary of potential involvement by Iran in Saturday’s Hamas attack and the bigger risk of a “proxy war” becoming a direct Israel/Iran conflict، said veteran oil consultant Gary Ross at Black Gold Investors. 

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged both sides to “act with restraint and avoid impulsive steps that could escalate tensions” but said Turkey would continue to oppose the occupation of the Al Aqsa mosque by Israel، which has become a flashpoint for Israelis and Palestinians.

Crowds of Israeli settlers have visited the mosque in East Jerusalem recently in what’s been seen as a provocation to Palestinian worshippers. 

Perceived as one of the few Muslim leaders still championing the Palestinian cause، Erdogan called the eight-century structure one of the holiest places of worship for Muslims. 

Israel’s defense forces are reinforcing the south and the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip with “several operational forces،” said IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari. 

Dozens of IDF fighter jets struck Hamas targets، he said. Special forces are among those involved in an “extensive” mobilization of reserves.  

Responses from governments around the world poured in on Saturday. Poland’s foreign minister condemned “indiscriminate violence and ruthless targeting of civilians،” which UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly called “horrific.” Egypt’s foreign ministry warned of the dangers of escalation and called for maximum restraint.

Israel is “at war. Not an operation، not a round - war،” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement in Hebrew after what he termed a “lethal، surprise offensive” by Hamas early Saturday. 

Netanyahu said he’d issued guidance to the heads of Israel’s security establishment to “cleanse all settlements of the terrorists who have infiltrated them.” Israel’s reserves will be mobilized to “fight back at a scope and power that the enemy has not met،” he added.  

“ Swords of Iron”

Israel’s defense forces called the new Gaza military operation “Swords of Iron” and said that 2،200 missiles had been launched from Gaza since early morning. 

Troops are battling armed infiltrators in 10 locations in the south of Israel، the IDF said — lower than the 21 locations cited earlier by the chief of police.  

Russia is in contact with Israel and Palestine as well as Arab countries، Interfax reported، citing Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. Moscow called for restraint and promised to “find out all the circumstances، sort everything out.” 

“It is such an unexpected aggravation. If we had expected it، we would not have allowed it،” Bogdanov said.  

“We are in a state of war following a massive attack from Gaza on the south of Israel،” Israel’s police chief، Yaakov Shabtai، said in a statement، referring to the infiltrations. “There are currently 21 locations where special police forces are operating. The entire south of Israel has been sealed off.”

At least four people are dead and several more wounded from rocket hits on Kuseife about 65 kilometers (40 miles) from the Gaza Strip، according to the Bedouin town’s mayor، Abd al-Aziz Nassara. He spoke to Israel’s Kan public broadcaster.

A wide call-up of reserves

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an urgent meeting of security officials and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant approved a wide call-up of reserves. 

The violence erupted a day after Hamas said that the “people had to draw a line to end the occupation” and added that Israel continued to commit crimes across Palestinian land، and especially on the holy site of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem.

Similar tension around the Al-Aqsa mosque started a round of confrontations earlier this year.

In a pre-recorded speech، Hamas militant leader Mohamed Deif said: “We have decided to put an end to all of this، with the help of God، so that the enemy understands that the time of recklessness without accountability is over. We declare Operation Al-Aqsa Flood، and the first strike has surpassed 5،000 missiles and shells in the first 20 minutes.”