الأحد، 23 فبراير 2025 10:47 ص
رئيس مجلس الإدارة رئيس التحرير
بدور ابراهيم

Tarek El Mulla، Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources paticipates ADIPEC

الأربعاء، 04 أكتوبر 2023 03:09 م

UAE welcomes global leaders، including Tarek El Mulla، Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources، to attend ADIPEC، an international platform uniting industry to accelerate urgent، collective and responsible action to decarbonise quicker and future-proof energy system،over four days in Abu Dhabi from 2-5 October 2023، hosted by ADNOC under the theme 'Decarbonising. Faster. Together.'، and acts as an inclusive platform، framing diverse conversations from across the energy value chain and beyond while driving investment into the clean energies of the future، as it prepares to COP28 in next November.

As the UAE prepares to welcome global leaders to COP28 in November 2023، ADIPEC builds on its nearly four-decade legacy as an inclusive platform، facilitating dialogue across the entire energy ecosystem and beyond، fostering cross-sector partnerships and inspiring game-changing solutions towards a cleaner، more secure energy future.

ADIPEC host more than 1،600 speakers on Decarbonising. Faster. Together.

UAE Government states that ADIPEC، with a comprehensive conference and exhibition programme designed in response to the challenges and needs faced across the energy value chain، host more than 1،600 speakers – including government ministers such as Tarek El Mulla، Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources، CEOs، policy makers، energy experts and innovators – to share their views across 350 unique sessions on the actions needed to advance a low-carbon، high-growth world.

UAE Government reveals that the ADIPEC 2023 Innovation Sessions connect the knowledge، experience، expertise and resources of the entire energy ecosystem and beyond، fostering the conversations and disruptive thinking needed to drive decarbonisation at scale and pace.

Decarbonisation، Maritime & Logistics and Digitalisation in Energy

UAE Government indicates that the ADIPEC Innovation Sessions، split across dedicated tracks - Decarbonisation، Maritime & Logistics and Digitalisation in Energy، are designed to facilitate solution-orientated dialogue in a curated programme format. Visitors can also benefit from other sessions including the Cross-Sector Co-Lab Programme، which explores the cross-industry partnerships needed to accelerate the energy transition.

ADIPEC 2023، attended by over 160،000 attendees and 2،200 exhibiting companies، is a progressive force for energy transformation and leadership as it unites the expanding and increasingly diverse world of energy and help us work together to transform، decarbonise and future-proof our industry، by accelerating the innovation and tangible actions needed to enable a lower-carbon and higher-growth future for the world.

Decarbonisation Innovation Sessions

Tayba Al Hashemi، CEO of ADNOC Offshore and Chair، ADIPEC 2023 Decarbonisation Innovation Sessions، said that the ADIPEC 2023 Strategic Conference programmes have been curated to focus on some of today’s most timely topics، like green hydrogen، decarbonisation at scale، sustainable manufacturing and industrialisation، and the development of future leaders.

Scaling next-generation energy technologies such as carbon capture، energy storage، electrolysers and renewables will be a crucial driver of the energy transition، while the Decarbonisation Innovation Sessions will bring together clean energy technology providers and innovators with energy leaders to discuss how to scale critical new energy technologies and solutions for their integration into existing infrastructure and energy value chains.

Digitalisation in Energy Innovation Sessions

UAE Government explains that ADIPEC 2023 in intersted in the adoption of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence، blockchain، digital twins and the Internet of Things (IoT) increases، unparalleled opportunities for decentralisation، energy-sourcing optionality، energy security and inclusion are emerging.

The Digitalisation in Energy Innovation Sessions see technology، communications and energy leaders، discuss، shape and showcase new applications for next-generation digital technologies، to drive down costs while advancing decarbonisation and energy security goals.

Maritime & Logistics Innovation Sessions

Developing decarbonisation technology for the maritime and logistics industries is an important step towards realising global net-zero commitments، and a combination of low-carbon fuels، new vessel designs and bunkering solutions، supported by wider value chain collaboration across the energy، maritime and ports sectors، will be crucial to unlocking new business models and driving the decarbonisation of the maritime sector.

Cross Sector Co-Lab Programme

New this year، the programme promotes cross-sector partnerships and drives the innovation needed to decarbonise، faster، together as Energy industry leaders share the stage with experts from a wide range of industries including aviation and other heavy industries، maritime and technology to showcase successful decarbonisation partnership models and practices.

UAE Government indicates that ADIPEC 2023 includes 350+ sessions across 10 conferences curated to address some of the world's most pressing energy challenges، more than 1،600 speakers share diverse perspectives and approaches، forge collaboration and explore the strategies and innovations critical to accelerating a cleaner، more secure energy future.

ADIPEC 2023 Strategic Conferences

The ADIPEC 2023 strategic conference programmes have been curated to focus on some of today’s most timely topics، like green hydrogen، decarbonisation at scale، sustainable manufacturing and industrialisation، diversity، equity، and inclusion (DEI)، and the development of future leaders.

ADIPEC 2023 can channel a wealth of perspectives and approaches to inspire solutions

ADIPEC 2023 can channel a wealth of perspectives and approaches to inspire solutions for the lower-carbon، high-growth future of energy and it will facilitate conversations crucial for securing the cleaner، more affordable and more reliable energy the world needs.

UAE Government confirms that ADIPEC 2023 is able to bring together leaders from across the energy ecosystem and beyond to drive the inspirational and disruptive thinking needed to tackle the world’s most pressing climate and energy challenges.

Ideas and knowledge are exchanged at ADIPEC

Over four days of informed debate، where knowledge and ideas are exchanged and business conducted، ADIPEC 2023 mobilises the experience، expertise and resources of a responsible energy industry to advance credible solutions toward sustainable economic progress.

UAE Government concludes that ADIPEC 2023، taking place shortly before COP28، tries to connect the policy، people، technology and capital needed to accelerate the next phase of the energy transition; bringing together diverse stakeholders in a forum that will quicken collective action to decarbonise faster، future-proof sooner and create the energy system of the future، today.